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And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? 

 “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

~Romans 10:15

Aún no hay ninguna entrada publicada en este idioma
Una vez que se publiquen entradas, las verás aquí.

Discipling the nations so they can disciple their own

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Matthew 28:19

Panama Missions

Village lake


Thanks to your donations, in the year 2019 we:
- Stregthened our relationship with the village and the chief by traveling almost every week
- Fed the children in the village
- Developed a Kuna team to help with: discipleship, relationship, language, fundraising



Thanks to your donations, in the year 2020 we:
- Bought groceries for around a 100 struggling families quarantined with covid
-   Gave around 300 Kuna and Spanish Bibles and materials



Thanks to your donations, in  2021 we:

-  Have been traveling  times a month to the village
-  Have been training future leaders from the village by bringing them to the city for a weekend
-  Helped build the church in the village
-  Fed the children every trip to the village

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